With Legion premiering this weekend I thought now would be a good time to put up some of the characters I did for the show. These guys are all just normal civilian New Metropolis towns folk. Some of the colors got lost in translation, so they will look different in the final show version.
Yay! I was hoping to see some Legion stuff on everyone's blogs. Looks like you're a Green Lantern fan, I see several aliens that look suspiciously familiar...
I see at least two and possibly three classic Lantern aliens -- good show!
...and the guy in the middle looks uncannily like Dr. Zoidberg.
You guys did a great job! The two beings on the left look a lot like the Probes from the Giffen 5yr Gap era.
Zoidberg? Who are the guys with the butt legs? Are they from GL?
Very cool stuff, Derrick! And I loved the show. You guys have another hit on your hands. Bravo!
Wicked, wicked, wicked!
I put a link to this post on our LEGION site, Derrick!
Oh no. They're on to you. Run! Run for the hills.
Heh heh, Lauren, you can run but you can't hide, for we are Legion! We'll be coming to your place to congratulate you once we see your episode(s), too.
The purple clone of Doctor Zoidberg from "Futurama" is a nice little tribute.
(It IS a tribute, and not a hack... right?)
Hooray! Now Derrick is the popular one! [clack clack]
wow. still very nice. though the 2 crystal guys at the end look like old green lantern members. any relation??? bye.
Desenho muito bom, cara!
I really want to see this cartoon, but it´ll take a little longer to arrive in Brazil.
Nice work here Derrick J!
HA- just saw some slug sportcasters on Sat. morning... were those yours? Too funny...
I'm gonna be over at Nick by the end of the month; We gotta get some lunch, soon!
Great man. Very quarky and cool.
Congratulations from Peru to you Derick the peruvians teenagers are so in love with your design, i agree to your fans, i'm fan of your sycho design reminds me to the hippie age the 60's.
Long life to the Teen Titans and you too
Only one post with Legion? I'm sad. ;_; still, great work!
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