Fear not Transfandom, I have heard your desperate pleas! I know the recent batch of leaked designs have all had shockingly, Earth and Cybertron shatteringly minuscule chins. But please do not despair! As we speak, I am working 'round the clock to develop new bigger, bolder, more powerful chins.

These new chins will be so bizarre and enormous they could actually impede the transformation process. Chins so massive, they have to be seen to be believed.

These new chins could even be so unstoppably huge and heroic, they may have even the simplest of Cybertronians bellowing out the names of common Earthen table utensils.

Hopefully this meager posting of images will assuage your fears, and calm the terrifying nightmares of horrible chinless robots you've all been having lately.
I'm Derrick J. Wyatt, and I approve this message.

These new chins will be so bizarre and enormous they could actually impede the transformation process. Chins so massive, they have to be seen to be believed.

These new chins could even be so unstoppably huge and heroic, they may have even the simplest of Cybertronians bellowing out the names of common Earthen table utensils.

Hopefully this meager posting of images will assuage your fears, and calm the terrifying nightmares of horrible chinless robots you've all been having lately.
I'm Derrick J. Wyatt, and I approve this message.