Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Just in time (late) to go with the latest WTF@TFW podcast discussion, you can now check out some of the concept art I did for the upcoming Cheetor toy!

Take a look, then head over to
  • WTF@TFW!

    1. awesome stuff man! cant wait to see the toy!

    2. Intriguing. Assuming that your notes re: spots/geometric shapes was retained by the club, I wonder how that will affect the folks who were griping about the spots on the vehicle mode?

    3. Before I ask my question I obviously know you probably can't answer... but was there ever any intentions to spin-off into maybe "Beast Wars Animated" possibly? Assumption based on the loose ends created from the time warp with Waspinator, Black Arachnia, and the "animal cameos" ...

      OR are there plans to at least make TOY VERSIONS like your Cheetor here?


    4. Anonymous12:41 PM

      So one of their first acts was to save on paint apps then? :) That darker coloring would really serve the alt mode nicely compared to the Photoshopped one on the site. Still, can't wait to snatch this thing up.

    5. The head design is absolutely fantastic, not what I was expecting at all from this toy... Can't wait to see the finished product!

    6. Anonymous6:07 PM

      I love this so much. I'm disappointed how much tfcc changed your final design, colorwise of course. it really is too bad, but i guess they had to do it for accuracy and cost reasons. i prefer your colors much more.

    7. I kind of prefer the geometrical spots to the blobby ones seen on the Hasbro website...

    8. That's sweet man! I loved BW as a kid and thought TFA was equally as good! U merged the two perfectly! Much prefer the idea of geometric spots than actual cheetah spots on a car :/

      gotta ask, did u at 1 point consider blue instead of green?

      regardless, wud love to c more sketches of BW characters in this style!

    9. Please MR Wyatt I want one of those drawings!! Please make an auction or something. Thanks

    10. vashblueeyes5:14 AM

      Big Fan... I'll do whatever I can to get this figure here in my country... but as everybody here already ask... do you sir have any plans to I dont know... pull some strings to continue the animated series and continue this great epic of yours and I dont know beast wars side stories and stuff? comic or media format?

      Oh yeah... toys! ^_^ Hasbro and me like toys!

    11. very nice concept

    12. Anonymous10:02 PM

      Makes me want to see you expand on further designs for Rattletrap (since he's based off of Dawn of Future's Past Rattrap)

    13. is there a 'justifiable' reason why the toy version is sucha dramatic departure in colour scheme from your design?

      I know small tweeks are done to designs all the time but he's been left with banana arms


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