Thursday, February 25, 2010

Transformers Animated Battle Game

Okay, I have no idea if the game is any good or not, nor do I care. I bought it for the figures! A very nice addition to the TFA collection.


  1. Riltht10:05 AM

    I've soon those figures in a big box full of games, but I've never seen that version of it. How much did that cost? Might have to look for it.

  2. Anonymous2:12 PM

    What, no Ratchet? Blasphemy!

  3. What do you think of the japanese release of the TFA figures, in all there shiny metallic glory?

  4. That is awesome! Must get!

  5. Anonymous10:02 AM

    it's called a battle game not a medical bot game maybe someone will make tfa operation and it will have ratchet workin on bb after sari stabbed him in transwarped

  6. I like what I'm seeing so far from the Takara-Tomy releases. Definitely a different take than what Hasbro did. Almost different enough that I'm going to have to buy them..

  7. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Figures look all.. figure-y.

    (pst.. I spy with my optic sensors... A BLUDGEON FIGURE!!!)

  8. Anonymous9:45 AM

    mr. wyatt do you think maybe you could post a colored version of yourtfa bludgeon designs.

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Is the
    Transformers Animated: The Adventure Continues! Vol. 1 animated season four!

  10. Anonymous2:17 PM

    you really should draw autobot lockdown

  11. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Auto bot lockdown plz

  12. Anonymous2:18 PM

    yeah that'd be sooooooo cool draw autobot lockdown pleeeeeeeaaaaaase

  13. JediFlaherty10:21 PM

    The world is not as fun without new TFA.

    We miss you!

  14. Anonymous3:30 AM

    I like the other people's suggestion Autobot Lockdown would be sooo cool you should make him like mirage or something only that wouldn't really work because stealth lockdown's bio implies that he stole his stealth mode generator from mirage. then again when was the last time we had a continuity accurate toy bio i mean you could almost make an entire other series from the toy bios

  15. That's definitely something I had thought about before. Lockdown probably had stolen Mirage's stealth tech.

  16. Anonymous9:11 AM

    yeah so then what was lockdown's identity as an autobot and was it something you were gonna put in season four because i heard from the TFA S.M.R.T. cast on itunes that season three was the big homage and cameo season and then in season four we would see a lot more original new characters is that true and if so i think you should at least show us the autobot version of lockdown.

  17. Hmm. I don't know where they got that info. I still had more cameos I wanted to do.

  18. who was autobot lockdown was he a namesake or new character

  19. Anonymous10:28 AM

    you should draw tfa autobot lockdown and have us guess his name like we had to do with slipsteam

  20. Please remember, if you are going to ask me a question, make your question READABLE. I will delete comments that are too jacked up and unintelligible.

  21. Do you get a Rodimus Minor?

  22. No, I got a Rodimus Prime.

  23. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Those figures are terrific. I'm thinking...cake toppers.

  24. Definitely a different take than what Hasbro did. Almost different enough that I'm going to have to buy them.


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