Thursday, June 17, 2010

Is it that time already?

Looks like it is! Come out and visit us!


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Amazon stated that the publishing date is July 13 :(

    I'm expected to get mine on July 15...

  2. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Noo! I'll still be in Japan by then!! TTATT Curses. I made it last year and it was awesome, and this year you have Marty, too! Even more awesomness!

    Oh well, I'm still getting my copy when I get back. More TFA epicness waiting for me when I get home!

  3. ahhhhh, i wish i was over there so i could go to this. damn this living on the one the east coast and in Canada. well, not the Canada part ;)
    hope this goes well for you. can't wait to see you again at TFcon. maybe this time we'll actually be able a sit ans talk for a bit?

  4. XD I won't be there, but at least I'll recieve my copy soon!

    btw, thank you for the shoutout on your twitter about my Animated Protectobots.

    Someone said something about it on TFW2005, and I was like... Really?

    *Squee* So cool! I hope your signing goes well!

  5. Hey. Sent you an email. Write back if you get a chance.

  6. I'm sorry, but did you mean me or the guys above me? ^^ I'm sorry, I wasn't sure. :3

  7. To you, but I actually sent it to the wrong person. I re-sent it to you, so hopefully you'll get it this time.

  8. I don't know why this didn't occur to me until now, but did you get inspiration from the "Money for Nothing" video when designing Scrapper and Mixmaster?

  9. No, didn't have that in mind.

  10. Anonymous4:56 AM

    I hope I'll catch you people next time, if you do anything like this again! And I'm in the states.

    One of the minor downfalls by living in another country is that you never can go too these things!

    Or you can always try to move around Europe for awhile~

  11. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Could you make a drawing of animated Blaster? I hear TF fans would want to see one. I mean A LOT, even my dad & my boss!

  12. your work is absolutely amazing.. the way u easily snap persona onto g1 transformers characters.. and i finally get to see star saber.. i am so happy to know what he actually would look like if animated was still running.. i freaking love that series, so rich with plots ties and references. I hope it comes back.

  13. most amazing amazing series that has ever hit the transformers universe.. if it wasn't for animated, ultra magnus would never get that awesome hammer :)


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